celebrates Sylvia Plath tortured American poet

Sylvia Plath's life was brief, yet her fiercely legitimate verse, regularly mirroring her exceptional feelings, keeps on contacting ages of perusers over 50 years after her passing. Her assemblage of work gave us an investigate a delicate soul hounded the majority of her grown-up life by episodes of hyper melancholy.
To observe Plath's commitment to verse, Google devoted its Doodle to the acclaimed American creator on her 87th birthday celebration. The Doodle mirrors her verse, which was frequently set among winter and ice. Her utilization of illustrations and dim symbolism in passionate writing could be smart, amusing and strange.

Born in Boston on Oct. 27, 1932, Plath showed promise as a writer at the early age of 8, after the death of her father. She wrote Electra on Azalea Path the day after her first visit to his grave. The poem represents her mixed emotions of grief and guilt after her father's death.
Her bouts of depression, often occurring during winter, have been linked to the early loss of her father.
She is best known for her collections of poetry, The Colossus and Other Poems, Ariel and The Collected Poems, the latter of which was published posthumously in 1981 and earned her the Pulitzer Prize nearly 20 years after her death.
Her only novel, The Bell Jar, is a semi-autobiographical account of a descent into mental illness that mirrors Plath's own experience. It was published under a pseudonym a year after Plath committed suicide in 1962 at the age of 30.


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